The SP Flash Tool exe v3.1248.0.96-MT6589 from the official site of Samsung is the most frequently used tool for firmware distributions and internal applications generation. In addition, with a versatile interface and easy-to-use functions, it has been widely regarded as the most convenient software in firmware distribution work for multiple models of Samsung Smartphones including Galaxy Note2, Galaxy SIII, etc.. However, when you download a firmware distribution package from unknown sources by chance or unknowingly sharing a device with others using an illegitimate method such as rooting or recovering a device in manual mode via Download Mode error messages keep popping up when editing the file path. As the download path of the SP Flash tool is hard coded to that file path which is set in SysNAND / U-Boot , there are cases where updating the firmware fails, requiring users to manually update their firmware via adb.exe or another application. To avoid having to change the file path, using CHANGE PARENT HARDWARE mode, while still allowing any partial file path edit by viewing properties of files on SD card works fine. The SP Flash Tool v3.1248 for MT6589 supports the following models: SP Flash Tool v3.1248 for MT6589 links: Download links for SP Flash Tool exe v3.1248.0. 96-MT6589.rar This link is valid only for the English language, Author : Samsung Indonesia The following images are taken from the official site of Samsung Malaysia. (S) (S) (S) (S) The SP Flash Tool v3.1248 for MT6589 supports the following models: The SP Flash Tool exe v3.1248.0.96-MT6589 is also supported on Sony device (Smartphones/Tablets) like Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZP, Xperia Tablet Z, Xperia Tablet S, Xperia Mini & P5 3D etc.. However, links are shown below for that device only. On the other hand, the SP Flash Tool v3.1248 for MT6589 does not support Sony devices listed below. The SP Flash Tool exe v3.1248.0.96-MT6589 is also supported on Huawei devices like GX8, GX8 Lite, Ascend P7, Ascend Y200, Ascend Y201Pro, Ascend Y201S, etc... However, links are shown below for that device only. On the other hand, the SP Flash Tool v3.1248 for MT6589 does not support Huawei devices listed below Download links for SP Flash Tool exe v3.1248.0 . 96-MT6589 -(S)The following images are taken from the official site of Samsung Taiwan Download links for SP Flash Tool exe v3 . 81eaaddfaf 31
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